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ECP Choice

Lens Products

Single Vision Lens designs...

All single vision lens orders are filled using a digitally enhanced design. The lens design and characteristics are optimized for each Rx. Base curves, thickness, aspheric, and high definition digital optimization is determined both by our staff and the Lens Design Management computer.

At ECP Choice all the benefits of freeform digital production are included in every single vision order... At the price of "Regular Stock" lenses...

Tomorrow is here today at ECP Choice.

Progressive Lens designs...

This is where we really widen the gap with the competition...

Judging a lab based on the performance of it's progressive lens design is fair. ECP Choice offers an exclusive progressive lens, the "CHOICE" progressive...

Our "CHOICE" progressive lens is optimized using the best lens design technologies. It is the only lens on the market that utilizes "Nurb Curve" design and production technology. More on that later...

When a customer orders a CHOICE progressive lots of things happen... As with a every order we take into account all the Rx, frame, material, and fitting criteria and design a progressive lens that is optimized for that job. Corridor lengths are designed for the job order (input from the dispenser is not necessary).

The result is a lens that you and your patient will be happy with... Very happy...

ECP Choice... It's good to be able to choose again!